Musawar's history
Musawar is a nearly 7-year-old boy from a happy small family living in Kabul, Afghanistan.
His father is a dentist who works in the local dental clinic while his mother is a housewife. His two older brothers are in good health and received an education in local schools.
At the age of 3 months, he was diagnosed with thalassemia at the French Medical Institute for Mothers and Children (FMIC) an Agha Khan hospital in Kabul. Since then, he has needed blood transfusions every 25-30 days, he received his FMIC treatment for about 4 years, but due to inconvenience the family started the transfusion at home after receiving blood components from FMIC.
In 2016, they visited Shifa International Hospital and Pakistan Institute Medical sciences to explore the possibility of bone marrow transplantation. After checking HLA, they found that her older sister was 100% HLA compliant with Munawar.
There his father met the family of a patient who was successfully cured after a Bone Marrow Transplant, who advised the Cure2Children Foundation and the transplant center at Dr Akbar Niazi University Hospital (ANTH). The family was informed of the cost of the Transplant and of the partial funding from DKMS. The family was happy with the hospital, doctors and staff, so they decided to organize the funds to go ahead with the bone marrow transplant for their son Musawer.The father tried to get treatment help from the Afghan government. but he later organized funds from his own sources.
The family moved to Pakistan in March 2020 and rented a small house in Bhara Kahu Islamabad near the hospital.
Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, his transplant was delayed until September 2020. During this time, the family was very stressed and confused because they wanted to return to their country, but after consulting doctors and other team members. , has decided to stay to carry out the transplant.
During the pre-transplant workup he was diagnosed with Covid-19 infection, which was another shock to the family and also to the medical team. Since Musawar was asymptomatic, he was isolated at home for 15 days and turned negative after 15 days.
On 11 August 2020 he was admitted to the Transplant Unit and successfully passed the Transplant. On 24 September 2020 he was discharged from the hospital. The family was very happy. The main problem according to Musawar during the hospitalization period was that he felt angry because of the interruption of the Internet service in the hospital, the rest was fine. The family has to stay close to the hospital for another 9-10 months, but this family misses their home as well as the loss of their father's job.
If you want to help this family remember to specify the child's name (Musawar) in your donation. Posted with family permission. Faiza Shoukat: Dr Akbar Niazi Teaching Hospital